Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A fan of Martha

I love Martha Stewart! I love her products and crafts. If I were rich I'd be buying all of her crafting products to replace all of my tools and craft supplies. I especially like her new circle cutter that I saw on her show last week. I don't need a circle cutter (I think I already have two) but I want Martha's because it looks so nice. I don't even have any craft ideas forming in the back of my head where I would need to cut circles but I think I may have to buy one anyway. Unless of course, Santa is reading this.

I also saw a hole punch that I want. Not an ordinary hole punch that works like a pair of pliers. This one looks like a screwdriver and you just place it where ever you need a hole and push it down and bingo! You have a hole! What could be neater than that?

Santa? Are you reading this?

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